Spreading The Happiness : Dr. Dini
Hi beautiful people,
Today I would like to share my deepest secret of why I chose to be a dentist. Honestly, this was not the profession that I intended to be. Initially, I had wanted to be an air stewardess, though I was already a dental student.
However, I grew fonder of this profession especially after joining Fauziah Dental Clinic. I realized that the biggest reason why I fell deeply in love with this job is because of you all, my patients. The truth is, I love seeing and making you (my patients) smile and laugh without worries or shame because for those few seconds, I made you happy, and seeing you happy, it makes me happy too.
So… there you go… my secret is out and because happiness is a CHOICE!.
Drop me an email at dini@story.drfauziah.com if you wish to have a beautiful smile and at the same time helping me spread the happiness, because the world sure need more of this 🙂

Hi there I would like to know the price of veneer treatment
Hi Dr!
I am having similar issue like picture in row no 4…do you mind estimating the cost for the correction work and email to me? also, i am 7 months pregnant currently..is it possible for me to undergo this treatment?