End of 2017 and beginning of 2018: Dr Nik
As a dentist, doing scaling , fillings and extractions are bread and butter of our life. It is the most common treatment and I’m sure all of us had done at least one of these treatment or not more through out our life. We, dentists do these treatment on a daily basis that we actually do these spontaneously without much thinking….just follow the treatment protocol and do the needful.
However things change when we have makeover cases. We will spend more time thinking through the possible ways that can be done to achieve the desired result. Each and every case are different and each are challenging in their own way. It is thrilling for us dentists to do these cases and every time we have one , we will do our best to give the best result possible for our patients.

I ended my 2017 and started off my 2018 with two great makeover cases. My last makeover case for year 2017 came all the way from Johor. She requested to close up the gaps that she had in between her upper front teeth.

I was flattered at the trust that she put in us generally and me specifically because she knew us from our instagram page (klinikpergigianfauziah) and was awed with all the makeover cases that we did. I could never thank her enough for that and was happy that I could help and give her the smile that she had always wanted.

As for my first makeover for 2018, I had this young lady who knew about our clinic from her friend who had done treatment with us before. She came in to fix her two front teeth that was broken. The teeth were broken after an accident many years back and at that time it was restored with normal fillings. The fillings however came off almost a year ago.

It was quite challenging to do her case since both teeth were root treated and had some dark discoloration. I did advice her to do crown, which is the ideal treatment plan for her case but due to financial constraint, she choose to just do composite veneers.
It took me slightly more than an hour to create her new smile and I was glad that she likes her new smile.
Hope that 2018 will be a good year to me and I’m looking forward to create as many beautiful smile as possible and give my patients the smile that they always wanted.
For any inquiry ,do reach me at nik@story.drfauziah.com