Liza’s New Smile : Dr Dini
It is true what Mr. Jobs said. By doing your work with love and sincerity, you will be able to deliver it a hundred percent. You will not only be happy, but people around you, be it your staff or your customer will also be happy. I realised that happiness is a state of mind. It comes within you regardless what situation you are in. If you are able to find the happiness, spread it.
This is what happened to me recently. I decided to be happy regardless of how stressful I am on certain days. I know happiness and smiles goes well together. It is contagious. This was what actually happened when I met Liza who came in for a cosmetic consultation last week. As usual, I was all smiling and chirpy when I meet new patients. This is my way to ease their nervousness. After few minutes of small talk, Liza said to me, “I’m feeling better now doctor. Strangely, I no longer have butterflies in my stomach. It feels like we have known each other for quite sometime.” Upon hearing this, I know it’s going to be a good day for both of us.
Liza is in her forties and owns a food stall in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. She always meet new people and her job requires her to smile a lot. The thing is, she confessed to me that she is embarrassed with her teeth condition. She always covers her mouth when she laughs with her customers. She wanted to have a whiter and straighter teeth.

After the initial examination, I suggested her to do Zoom! whitening treatment followed with four units of composite veneers to achieve her dream smile. She agreed with my treatment plan and gave me the thumbs up to proceed with the treatment on the same day.
Liza started with her Zoom! Whitening first. I explained that it would take about 90 minutes instead of the usual 45 minutes.
She settled down and I opened her personal Zoom! Whitening kit, explaining the whole procedure and what to expect.
I began the isolation of her teeth … something we take very seriously hence we have a “No Pink Policy” which we strictly adhere to and make sure she’s comfortable throughout the four 15-minute cycles!!
Once her teeth were ready and super whitened, Liza was ready for Step 2 … her makeover!!
This part is actually the easiest. She only needed to do four composite veneers to straighten her upper teeth. Liza was taking everything in her stride! Soon she was ready for first glimpse of her brand new smile….. ta daaah!!! Liza said, “Wow!” when she saw her own reflection in a mirror.

Before Liza went off, I reminded her to keep flashing her new smile. “That’s for sure doctor!” she said with a wide smile. No longer a hand on her mouth 🙂
Thank you Liza for trusting Klinik Pergigian Fauziah and for you out there, do contact us if you too would like to get dazzling smile you always dream about.
We are always here to assist you.