A Worthwhile Journey : Dr. Dini

By now, we are all aware that social media has had a tremendous impact on our culture, business and the world-at-large.  Social media websites are some of the most popular haunts on the Internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the web.

However, aside from seeing your friends’ new baby on Facebook, or reading about Justin Bieber’s latest brush with the law on Twitter, we have to agree that social media has both negative and positive impacts on the society. Well, I’m not here to discuss about the negative impact.The main highlight today is to share what social media has brought us ,at Klinik Pergigian Fauziah.  Since we had subscribed our Instagram account in 2015, and we revamped our website last year, we can see that our new patients mainly from these social media. They would travel from all over Malaysia to seek our help in gaining their dream smile.

This is the case for Syafikah. She traveled from Melaka after months of browsing our Instagram account and our website. Finally she had the courage to make an appointment, to see me and asked me to fix her upper teeth.


Shafikah has a Class ll malocclusion. This simply means that the lower teeth are shifted forward with regard to the upper teeth. The best treatment for this, is orthodontic therapy. Shafikah knew about her condition and explained to me that she was not interested in undergoing the orthodontic treatment. She was more concerned about the stain and gaps on her upper teeth. Shafikah had done composite veneers few years back at other clinic but she was not happy with the result. I told her that, I need to do the initial examination and will started the treatment with scaling and polishing. She nodded and gave me the green light to proceed.

After finished with the scaling, I noticed that the stain is still visible on few of her current veneers and I explained to her, that we need to redo it. She was happy when she heard it. She told me that she just wanted a white, bright smile without any gaps! She doesn’t mind that her lower jaw is protruding.

It didn’t take me long to complete her makeover and when she first saw her teeth, she smile widely and kept gazing at her teeth.

Shafikah with her brand new smile.

“Are you happy with the result?” I asked. ” Yes I am…thank you doctor”

“Most welcome Shafikah…it’s a pleasure for me to be able to do that for you. I hope you would enjoy your new smile.”

“I definitely will doctor!” she replied.

Shafikah walked out from my clinic smiling and excitedly showing her brand new smile to her father and sister who was patiently waiting outside. Seeing both father and daughter excitement with the result really made my day.


Dr Dini (dini@story.drfauziah.com)


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