A Better Smile, One Tooth at a Time – Dr Adyan
A lovely lady came to see me at the clinic during the last week of Ramadhan to fix her front tooth. She said it’s been years since one of her front tooth chipped but she never really had time to fix it. Although she feels uncomfortable with the chipped off tooth, she just left it like that and let the days pass by.
Finally she decided that she wants to get her tooth fixed and she chose to do it at KP Fauziah. I couldn’t be happier when I heard that from her.
So we started with a full dental check-up and planning of her treatment. There was a lot of roughness and sharp edges on the left central and lateral incisor. The right central incisor also had a defective filling and was slightly rotated, while the right lateral incisor was chipped off too.
This was how her teeth looked like before we started the treatment.

I explained to her that we can fix the central and lateral incisors to get a better smile. She opted to fix just the left central incisor for that day, and we proceeded with that.
While the makeover would’ve looked a whole lot better if we fix all the four upper front teeth, her smileĀ improved tremendously with only one tooth fixed that day. Here’s what the final result looked like:
I loved seeing her new smile that day, which always reminded me why I love what I do. I’m looking forward to help more people improve their smile.
For questions about this case or any other case in general, do comment or send your enquiries to adyan@story.drfauziah.com
Lots of love,
Dr. Adyan.