A makeover day – Dr Gan

It is December! It is the time of festive season!

In Malaysia, it also means YEAR END SALES!


However, please do not forget to take care of your teeth as well so that you can have the best smile to celebrate this holiday season.

While everyone is busy with shopping, I had a day when everyone rushed in to do their makeover.

I had four makeovers within the same day.


Makeover 1: Closing the gap

Mr Am was looking forward to close the gap in between his upper front teeth, to be all set for his new job interview.

In just one hour time, here he is ready for the interview!










Makeover 2: Fix the chip

Ms S had filling on her front teeth but part of it chipped and the remaining filler color did not match her teeth anymore. I was more than happy to fix her few problems altogether with just two composite veneers.










Makeover 3: Another close gap case

Ms W also had the same problem as Mr Am. She would like to close the gap in between her front teeth.

Here she was ready to go to airport to welcome her husband with a brand new smile!










Makeover 4: Bride to be makeover

Here I had a beautiful bride who was to marry the next day, the next day??? She requested for me to do a makeover for her teeth to make sure she had a beautiful smile the next day.











Looking forward to have a beautiful smile like them for your year end celebration? Make an appointment now or drop me an email @ ganshouwan@story.drfauziah.com

Happy holiday!

Dr Gan


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