Ditch your denture and have a fixed tooth – Dr Gan
Are you sick of wearing your denture?
Are you worried that your denture falls out at the wrong time?
Are you tired of taking your denture out every night and tried all the ways to keep it clean?
If your answer is “YES”, it is time to look at other options available to fix it.
Sharon was troubled with all the above.
When she was much younger, she took one of her upper teeth out.
It happened about 20 years ago. She hated her crooked tooth and mistakenly thought that by taking it out and fixed a denture would solve all her problem.
Her nightmare began since then. She had all the above mentioned to worry.
After following us at Instagram, she thought why not give herself a chance and we probably could solve her problem.
She was right; we did have alternatives that we could help.
We discussed about options for her and finally she decided to go for fix-fix bridge.
In order to get a very beautiful smile, Sharon decided to get teeth whitening first.

The single tooth denture worked best here as a comparison for before and after. The teeth had became much whiter from the original shades.
The next day, we started to prepare the teeth for bridge and she could officially ditch her denture.
After 3 days, Sharon got her dream smile!
Congratulation to Sharon as she no longer needed to be haunted by her denture.
Now she can smile with confident!
Should you have any inquiry, please do not feel hesitate to contact me at ganshouwan@story.drfauziah.com
Thank you.
Dr Gan