Happy to Smile Again! – Dr. Adyan

“Doc, please help me with my teeth, I can’t smile properly because people will stare at the gaps!”


This lady came to the clinic despite being nervous because she hadn’t been to the dentists for a few years. She said there are gaps in between her teeth which made it awkward for her to smile.


As she smiled, I could sense the awkwardness in her smile and how she wants to cover her mouth with her hands. It was evident how the gaps had caused her confidence to drop. In addition to that, I noted how the edges of her two front teeth had worn off which made the overall shape of her teeth unpleasant.


This was how her teeth looked like when she came to the clinic:





The first treatment we did was a scaling and polishing for her to ensure all the tartars on her teeth are removed so that the gums can be healthy too. She was a bit nervous at first, but as we were doing the treatment she became very relaxed and even enjoyed the whole session!


The second time she came was the visit for veneers after we let the gums heal properly. She didn’t even show any signs of anxiousness, instead, she was very excited to come for the dental visit.


We barely did any drilling to her natural teeth, just some roughening of tooth surfaces before the composite veneers were built up. She appeared to be comfortable during the whole session.


After we were done, I let her have a look at her new smile in the mirror. The gaps were closed, the worn edges were repaired, and the veneers were sculpted to enhance the tooth shape.





Don’t you love the natural-looking result?


Now she smiles beautifully and confidently! And she’s planning to come again to close the gaps on her lower teeth to enhance her smile more 🙂


You can write to me at adyan@story.drfauziah.com for any enquiries or call us to book your appointment now!


See you soon!


Lots of love,

Dr. Adyan

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