A Magical Moment With Braces-Dr Gan

Do you have a dream?

Everyone has a dream, be it big or small.

Most of the people that I met at my workplace come with a dream of nice smile.

Wati is one of them.

For Wati, putting up braces to make her teeth straight has always been her dream.

“Dr, I really want to put on braces and make my teeth straight.”

“Ït has been my dream since I was a child, this is my childhood dream”

“I know that now my children are big already, now is my turn to reward myself and get something that I really want”

Knowing how important is this to her, I promised to hold her hand and be there for her to make her dream comes true.

On the day of bonding up bracket, her husband came together to take video and photos to record this unforgettable moment of life.

It has been four months since that day but I can still close my eyes and picture the moment when she sat on my chair.

She closed her eyes as I moved the chair back, I could catch the moment of joy (Spark joy!) right before she closed her eyes.

“Ï can’t believe that this is happening for real! I have bracket on my teeth”  Wati said in disbelief.

I felt as fulfilling as I looked at her. Her feeling was real and so was I.

Four months down the road, her teeth were much aligned compared to before.

When she came for a review last Saturday, she could not hold her excitement to break the good news when she saw me at the waiting area.

“Dr Gan, is magic, my teeth are so straight now! This is magic!” says Wati.

I feel very grateful that I am the one to help her in getting what she wanted for so long.

The orthodontic treatment is still ongoing and we still need some time to stabilize the roots. However, we know that we are on the right track and she will soon get her dream smile. =)

Together, we can make it.

If you too dream to have a nice smile, do not wait until later,do it now!

Call me at 03-6206 3068 or email me at ganshouwan@story.drfauziah.com to make an appointment with us.

Together, let’s craft your smile!

Dr Gan

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