Fast, painless and affordable: Dr Nik
Nowadays, quite often we receive new patients that knew us from our social media platforms and this particular patient is one of them.
His wife knew us from our instagram page and had been following us since. Looking at our makeover posts especially the makeovers for teeth gaps, she insisted her husband to pay us a visit since he had been planning to close his middle upper front gap.
Accompanied by his wife, they came all the way from Perak for his makeover.

Seated on the dental chair, he told me his main concern which is the middle gap and requested me to explain further the procedure to close the gap with cosmetic filling. So I did. It is actually a painless straight forward procedure and he immediately gave me green light to go ahead with the treatment.
Forty five minutes later, he flaunted his brand new smile to his wife and both of them were happy with the result.

Fast, painless and affordable treatment…..why wait? Call us now if you have a dental gap and get yourself an appointment to get it fix. We would love to create your new brand smile too!
For any inquiry, write to me at