Bye Old Fillings, Hello New Smile! – Dr. Adyan
Have you ever had old filings that are discoloured and makes you shy to smile?
We’ve met a lot of patients who came with this problem.
Fillings can sometimes chip or have fine cracks that you’re not aware of which eventually lead to discolouration and even dislodgement of fillings.
This patient came because she had been having troubles with her front teeth. She feels that the old fillings are unsightly and she hopes to improve the look of her upper front teeth.
This was how her teeth and fillings looked like.

The two front teeth are slightly crooked, the left lateral incisor is dark-coloured, and her right canine is very impacted at a higher position that the other front teeth.
I discussed with her the treatment options that we have for her. Braces would be a good treatment for her to correct the major malalignment but she’s not really keen on having braces.
The old discoloured fillings and slightly crooked teeth could be improved with composite veneers but the impacted canine is best left as it is because the lower teeth is biting right at the canine and would fracture any veneers we put on it (braces is better to make teeth straight and correct her bite).
Since she was from overseas and had limited time in Malaysia, she expressed that she just wanted the upper front teeth to be improved with composite veneers and will be fine with leaving the canine as it is.
We proceeded with the composite veneers which took longer than usual due to the multiple old and failing fillings that needed to be removed properly first.
However, it was worth the time and effort as the composite veneers brightened her smile spectacularly.
When we were finished, I asked her to smile in front of the mirror and both of us were pleased with how beautiful her smile had become.

No more ugly fillings, no more dark tooth, no more crooked teeth at the center. Hello beautiful smile!
The phrase ‘beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’ is certainly true.
Although we couldn’t do much about her impacted canine with composite veneers, she loved her new smile nevertheless and embraced it’s beauty.
She left the room with a prettier smile than when she came in, and that was all it took to make my job the best job in the world for me.
Don’t let discoloured teeth and fillings ruin your smile and confidence. All you need to do is ring us up at +603 9520 1595/ 1596 to book your appointment and we’ll try our best to help you out.
Feel free to contact me at if you’d like to ask any questions.
See you soon!
Lots of love,