Wonders of composite veneers: Dr Nik

This is my patient, a lady in her fifties who had been wanting to improve her smile for so long but was so busy with her career that she didn’t manage to make an appointment for herself.

It was her son who took the initiative to call, book an appointment for her and block her day for the appointment. He knew us from his friend and had been following our instagram.

When she came in for her appointment, she requested for a treatment to improve her smile. She has few black cavities and gaps in between her teeth. After discussing possible options to address her problems, she chose to do combination of composite veneers and cosmetics fillings.

Black cavities and multiple interdental gaps

These treatments do wonders. After treatment ended, my patients’s smile look totally different and way better. The most important thing is she really loves her new smile…and that really made me happy.

Wonders done!

If you are thinking of getting wonders done on your current smile, don’t hesitate to call us and we will be glad to help you.

See you soon!

Dr Nik ( nik@story.drfauziah.com)

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