Hello my lovely readers. How’s life treating you during this Movement Control Order (MCO) ? I , for one stop counting what day it is during this MCO . I honestly don’t see the point of doing that. What I do see is, it is important that we follow the government’s rules. Stay at home! However, I have to admit that this is a very challenging task to do.
It is not just as simple as that. Stay at home means you have to work from home. Your children will be at home. Your spouse will be at home. 24-7. You have to entertain them, feed them, make sure the house is in tip top condition and on top of that you have to work. It may seem like you can’t escape from everything and anything. It can be very overwhelming and stresful.

I would like to share a book that I read few months back. Pick Three : You Can Have It All by Randi Zuckerberg. Basically what I learn from this book is you need to pick or choose wisely in your daily life. Be it, Work. Sleep. Fitness. Family. Friends. You have to pick. In Randi’s book , you have to pick 3. In an increasingly demanding world, we’ve been told that we can do everything—maintain friendships, devote ourselves to work, spend time with family, stay fit, and get enough sleep. We just need to learn to balance it all. Randi Zuckerberg doesn’t believe in being well-balanced. We can’t do it all every day, she contends, and trying to do so only leaves us frustrated and feeling inadequate. But we can succeed if we Pick Three.
However, during this MCO, I believe it is very difficult for us to even pick 3. Believe me I know. Being cooped up in the house with three or more human beings is a stressful thing. What more, if the human beings are CHILDREN!
What I am trying to say is, it’s definitely okay if you feel you didn’t achieve anything on that particular day. It is definitely acceptable if your house is in a mess or your kids are not eating healthy food. It is totally fine if you don’t read a book or did not do any exercise. What’s important is, the memories you create. No one should be judging anyone on how to live their life. After all, they are not in our shoes. So.. go ahead.. create your own memories with the loved ones during this trying period and when you look back , I honestly believe it can bring a smile to you. But try something out, Pick 3 in a day, and you might just surprise yourself with what you can actually accomplish!
In the meantime, lets stay at home and flatten the curve. Together, we can do this.
Dr. Dini