Embracing The New Normalcy : Dr. Dini

This is me in our PPE suit. A tad overdressed , I know, 😉 but this is necessary to ensure the safety and cleanliness of our clinics.

As you all know, we are in our 4th phase of the Movement Control Order (MCO). I would say this is an important phase for us to continue flattening the curve of Covid-19. It’s obvious with even a little reflection that the experience of going through this pandemic would undoubtedly teach us many lessons.  Many of us would realize that there will be a new normal for everyone once this is over. In our country that would be probably on the 12th of May 2020 although some business sector will be opened this 4th of May 2020.

What does this mean? Well, this is what I see. We won’t be living the same life as before and we need to adapt. American medical experts say that we will continue practicing social distancing probably until June 2021. Why, because they predict that by then only the vaccine for Covid -19 will be found and available.

Aside from a drop in the number of handshakes, conferences, large events, expos, seminars, trade shows, awards shows, wedding and networking sessions that will be drastically reduced in the months to come; we probably will see less people travelling around the world. I don’t think there will be any major concerts from international artist or football match anytime soon. Yes, I do understand that the global economy will be badly affected by this.

However, this is the thing that we have to quickly adapt if we want to move forward. During this trying period, what I see is, many jobs don’t require us to be sitting in an office every day of the week. Students can be taught from home (regardless if they are paying attention or not). Restaurants are using the delivery method to cater our cravings.

Our support staff in Taman Melawati branch.

This is our colleague treating a patient in Menara Centara branch.

However, I always believe that, there is a silver lining behind everything that happens. For one, the health sector like ours will be more cautious in dealing with everyday patient. We definitely will increase our infection control measures to ensure safety and cleanliness of our clinics for all our patients. The time that we spend with our family may turn out to be a quality one. Why? Because, as parents we will continue to find ways to creatively entertain our children. This is more meaningful to them. They will cherish and remember those moments with us. Both parents and teachers will continue to learn on how to use the digital platform better.

That is how we grow. Continue learning new things that were foreign to us before.

Our relationship with our spouse will definitely change. I know that during this quarantine time it can be a real stress for many people that are in a relationship. It can make or break the relationship, depending on how you look at it. If you are doing any reflections on it, then it can make the relationship stronger than before. If you are not, or unwilling to change, then sad to say, it can be the end of it.

Suffice to say, life will not be the same. We have to accept that. The sooner the better. If, we are not, then we are living in denial. That’s the ego, taking control of our mind.

Till then, stay safe everyone,

Dr. Dini (dini@story.drfauziah.com)

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