Invisalign to the Rescue – Dr. Shanaz

When I first met Mr. Chen he was not-so friendly, nervous and defensive with his speech. As a project leader he always had to be tough and strict. He rarely smiled and feared whenever he exposed too much of his teeth when talking.

Obviously, Mr. Chen always had an issue with his smile. He didn’t like the gap he had on his front two teeth and always thought it made him unattractive. He wanted braces, but because he constantly had to meet different people for meetings and such, he wanted a different option.

Thank god for Invisalign! The mere fact that he could have something invisible to correct his smile was a dream come true for him! No metal on his front teeth, no wires, no colourful rubbers. What really made him happy was that he need not have to visit the clinic too often too!

Mr. Chen’s initial smile

I’ve been seeing Mr. Chen for about 8 months now, and I’ve only truly seen him maybe 4-5 times in that span. Throughout the multiple visits, we’ve shared many stories, had interesting conversations and have developed quite a frienship.

He is halfway through with his treatment but MUCH has improved. We’ve not only fixed his gap, but also corrected his very much deep bite, that has given him a more fuller and complete smile.

Halfway through treatment.

The most recent visit was during the fasting month, and I was amazed at the results of what Invisalign has done for his smile. Mr. Chen now smiles constantly, laughs often, converses with the clinic staff and always has a cheery mood.

The self confidence and boost of esteem I see in Mr. Chen now brings out the best in him. A smile not only makes you look good, but makes you feel good about yourself.

Ask us about Invisalign in our clinic! The new you is waiting – Dr. Shanaz

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