Covid-19 still at Large – Dr. Shanaz
Hi everyone, it’s been a very challenging 2020 as all of us were hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic. As we all know, we’re told to stay at home if we can, minimise contact with people, avoid large crowds and gatherings, keep clean and always wear a mask!
Since the initial MCO, RMCO and CMCO in Malaysia, we’ve managed to control the number of Covid-19 cases and reduce it to single digit cases in a day.
As WHO and our Director General of Health in MOH has mentioned, this particular virus is not a seasonal virus. As long as the virus itself is still present, humans are alive and are sociable, and no real vaccine has been developed, we have to understand that our way of life has to be catered around this particular virus.
Though as time progresses, people aren’t as attentive and concerned. Thus, recently we’ve been seeing a huge spike of cases in our country. It’s both worrying and upsetting because it’s been proven, if we follow the SOPs, and follow the instructions from our MOH, we’ll definitely be able to live comfortably in a new normal and possibly avoid another lockdown.
To remind everyone about the 3 C’s and 3 W’s, here’s a small infogram.

Also, just in case you’ve forgot… Keeping your hands clean at all times is crucial in minimising the spread and transmission of any types of diseases! So here’s a small tip for you, sing a song when you’re washing those hands!