The value of a smile :DR.DEBBIE
Puan Halina works in a corporate firm and she is always on the go to meet her clients. She managed to squeezed some time out to drop by Klinik Pergigian Fauziah @ menara centara few days back and asked me to help her to fix her upper front tooth, where the previous filling has dislodged. She only has 1 hour of free time before she got to rush to another meeting!

Thankfully, there were no signs/symptoms such as pain nor sensitivity in relation to that upper left incisor. A quick clean up was done and filling was placed to restore the tooth to its previous shape and function, all under an hour! I even managed to do full mouth scaling and polishing for Puan Halina before she bid us goodbye. Now she is ready to get back to work with a nicer smiler 🙂

Do drop by Klinik Pergigian Fauziah for consultation if you would like a brand new smile as well 🙂 : DR.DEBBIE