Black spots: Dr Nik
Do you have black spots on your teeth?
These black spots could be a dental cavity or in dental term we call it caries.
These caries can be treated by doing fillings and we widely used composite resin dental filling material for it’s aesthetic properties. These filling material comes in various natural tooth shades. Dentist will select the most suitable shade that will match with patient’s natural teeths’ shade.
For example, below is a before and after photos of my patient today that came in requesting treatment for black spots on her teeth.

I cleaned up the black spot and did fillings using composite resin materials. These fillings procedure is a simple procedure but as you can see it will bring big improvement to patient’s overall appearance.
If you have these kind of black spots on your teeth, you too can improve your smile by doing this filling treatment. Don’t hesitate, call us for an appointment and we will make sure that you will be happy with the result.
Dr Nik (