If you’ve ever contacted us through social media, emails, or even called our clinic with the intent of asking what is the best treatment for yourself, I’m sure you’ve constantly had this phrase/question thrown at you: “Why don’t you come on over for a consultation?”…
I was talking about a dental trauma case in my last post and here I got another dental trauma case. Mr Nas met a motor vehicle accident last year and broke a few of his front teeth. There was no pain, no swelling at the…
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri or Eid Mubarak lovely readers!!!.
Hari Raya Aidil Fitri or Eid is the day when all Muslims around the world celebrate the end of Ramadhan. On this special day, everyone, family and friends get together. Eid is about being grateful for all the people we have in our life. Celebrating it with your loved ones, connecting with those far away and cherishing those we have lost.
For me, it is not just about the celebration , the pretty outfit, the open houses, the pocket money nor the scrumptious food on the table. It’s about the feeling of happiness upon seeing each other and being grateful that we are given another chance by God to celebrate it.
I believe the celebration is similar all around the world, regardless which country we are from. Muslims start this day with 2 rakaat prayer in the morning. Once finished performing this prayer, we head back home and most of us will stuff ourselves with the special dishes cooked by our family members.
Then, we either headed off visiting our relatives or accepting them to our house.
When we go for visiting, it is courteous to put our best clothes and carry a fine make-up to look good. Unfortunately, as we laugh and eat and drink even the best make-up fades and the outfit crumples. Nevertheless there is one thing for sure will remain. Guess what it is? It is the smile you carry!
Why don’t we just be our true self and dazzle our host with the white shiny and bright smile?
Nurin’s before the makeover.
This is the case of Nurin. She came to the clinic 2 weeks prior Syawal and wanted to have a beautiful smile this Syawal. She had a ‘tucked-in’ canine on the upper right side which she didn’t like.
After a full mouth examination I suggested to her to do a single unit composite veneer to achieve her dream smile. I assured her that it would look good. She nodded and I proceeded with the treatment.
I handed her a mirror once I finished. The only word that came out from her mouth was, “Wow!” Upon hearing this word, I knew I delivered what she desired. 😉
Nurin’s new look. 🙂
What do you think? I have full confidence that Nurin will dazzle her immediate family members and friends with her brand new smile. 😉
Since we are still in Syawal, it’s never too late for you to have a dental makeover to achieve your dream smile. Drop me an email at dini@story.drfauziah.com and I will be glad to reply any of your inquiries.