Tag: Broken teeth

Here’s How I Solve A Single Tooth Discoloration. Case 2 – Dr Gan

Here’s How I Solve A Single Tooth Discoloration. Case 2 – Dr Gan

In my last discussion about single tooth discoloration, I mentioned that trauma to tooth is one of the most common reasons for tooth necrosis leading to discoloration. Here I am presenting a case with single tooth discoloration due to accident few years back. Clement had…



Yes, you read it right!It’s not a hoax or fake news. You CAN have your smile that you’ve been wanting for ages in just 1 visit. Be it a straighter , well aligned teeth or a brighter and whiter teeth. A simple composite restoration,  composite…

Invisible Dental  Crown- Dr Gan

Invisible Dental Crown- Dr Gan

Today, dental crowns are a common procedure in dental care.

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that covers a tooth completely in order to restore its shape and size, strength, and improves its appearance.

When you need a dental crown in your mouth, what do you expect your friend to say ?

Option 1: You have a very beautiful crown.

Option 2: Do you have a crown in your mouth?

What is your choice?

In order to answer this, you need some insights about the materials of choice available.

The two most common choices of materials for the full crowns are:

  1. Porcelain-fused-to-metal – A hybrid construction type where a porcelain covering encases a metal substructure. It is strong, long lasting and esthetic treatment option.However, one consideration is that these crowns may tend to show the underlying metal margin at the gum line as gums recedes over time.
  1. All ceramic (All porcelain) – The favorite material of choice today as they provide a metal-free esthetic option. Without the metal core, they allow for light transmission through the porcelain for better optical, life-like properties and a higher level of esthetics. This is a better option for esthetic zone, or in another words, teeth that are visible when you smile.

For more details about crowns and bridges, please refer to our website.https://story.drfauziah.com/makeovers.html

For this young lady, her choice was simple. She wanted it to be “AS NATURAL AS IT COULD”.

This tooth had fractured from front. Root canal treatment was carried out before crowning.


When we wanted to make a single natural looking dental crown, it actually meant a lot of challenges. Not only the choice of the material used would affect the outcome, but also the shape and color played very important parts of it.

Every human being is unique, so is tooth. In her case, the color of her crown was tricky as her neighboring teeth had more translucent structure at the biting end.  I took several pictures for the technician to study, to assimilate the crown to her natural teeth. Also, I personally called up the technician to discuss about the challenges and what were the expectation for the crown. In fact, we were prepared for adjustment should the crown did not blend in well with her other teeth.

The different shade guide for the technician to study about her teeth.

On the day of issue, both of us were anxious. We couldn’t wait to fit in the crown, but at the same time we were afraid if the result was not satisfying.

Finally, the pounding hearts turned to be satisfying hearts when we saw the result.

Both of us were delighted with the result. All the efforts and hard works were well paid off. =)

For the beautiful outcome, I would like  to thank both the patient and technician for working together to create the result. =)

Should you have any inquiry about crowns and bridges, please do not hesitate to contact me at ganshouwan@story.drfauziah.com

The beautiful crown!
The side view of the beautiful crown!
What a Girl Wants – Dr Adyan

What a Girl Wants – Dr Adyan

Miss H was in deep slumber and had a great sleep that night. She woke up feeling energetic and ready for the day, but then she felt something was wrong.   She glanced at the mirror to have a look at her teeth and was…

Bruxism (teeth grinding) by Dr. Aaron Lai

Bruxism (teeth grinding) by Dr. Aaron Lai

Bruxism is a condition in which you grind or clench your teeth. If you have bruxism, you may unconsciously clench your teeth when you’re awake or grind them during sleep. Most people probably grind and clench their teeth from time to time. Occasional teeth grinding, does not usually…