Do you have any fillings done on your front teeth ? Have you experienced dislodged tooth coloured filling before while you eat ? Even though we are wearing masks most of the time nowadays , it must be very frustrating and unhappy when that happens.…
Treatment time or duration needed to close a dental gap is purely depends on the number of dental gaps needed to be closed and type of treatment needed either a simple cosmetic fillings or veneers. For example, in this case where this patient needed to…
Who wouldn’t want a beautiful bright smile? I believe , everyone does. The first step would be to visit your nearest dentist and have a check up. ;-). From there, the dentist will lay out and plan all the treatment needed for you to have your beautiful smile.
This was what Mr. T did. He came to see me for a dental check up after years of not having one! After the initial examination, I told him the good news that he doesn’t have any major treatment to do except for scaling and polishing since his calculus accumulation was heavy. He was relief to hear that. He was expecting worst.
This was Mr. T’s teeth before I did the scaling & polishing. Notice the heavy accumulation of calculus on his lower teeth.What a major different after the scaling & polishing treatment. Whiter and healthier looking teeth in 30 minutes.
Once I completed the scaling procedure, I asked him if he wanted to close the gap on the upper teeth and also to make the upper teeth well aligned. He nodded and inquired more about the treatment options. I proposed to him the least invasive treatment which is composite veneers. He gave me the green light to proceed.
2 unit composite veneers on his right and left lateral incisors and composite resin filling to close the midline distema.
In less than 90 minutes, Mr. T got his perfect 10 smile ! Would you like to have one? Contact us or drop me an email and I’ll gladly assist you to achieve your dream smile.
This is my patient. She had dental gaps and I did dental makeover for her to close up the gaps on her upper front teeth one and a half year ago. Now she’s back to continue with the lower ones. As you can see, she…
Gaps in between front teeth. Do I need to correct it and close or fill the gaps? or can I just leave it as it is? These are the questions that patients keep asking themselves. Well, the choice is yours. Some might like the gap…