Lily needed a solution for her teeth. She was confused, she was frustrated and she was losing hope. Little did I know what was she going through when I first met her. She came asking for a scaling only. When I met her, I felt…
Miss Roz came to see me regarding her shaky front tooth. It’s been shaky for a very very long time, and she’s been putting off getting treatment for it because she was afraid of the answer I might give her. And true enough, I did…
What do you see from the above photo? If you say crooked lower teeth , you are right. If you say, the height of the lower teeth are uneven , you’re also right. If you say, the left lower incisor (front tooth) is slightly whiter than the rest of the lower teeth, you’re right too!
This patient of mine had a recurring swelling on his lower incisor crown. The tooth had been root treated years ago. I’ve been advising him to redo the root canal treatment, so he won’t have to suffer from the infection multiple times. Due to his busy schedule, he kept postponing the treatment and when he came to see me 3 weeks ago, he made up his mind to extract the tooth out . He requested for an immediate Fiber Reinforced Bridge to replace the missing tooth.
Rubber dam placement after the extraction of the crown to isolate the teeth.
It took me about 2 hours to complete the treatment. From the extraction of the crown, putting the rubber dam on and building and sculpting the Fiber reinforced composite bridge using composite resin material to replace the extracted crown. I promised this gentleman a straighter arrangement for his lower teeth. The colour would soon normalise with the other teeth and adjustments would be made to ensure it matches well!
More straighter and uniform shade for the lower anterior teeth.
As promised, a straighter arrangement of his lower teeth for this gentleman. Was he happy? Definitely ! Another day, another happy patient. As the saying goes, true happiness comes by making others happy. I definitely love to spread happiness to other people.
Tooth-colored fillings are customized to match the shade of your enamel (teeth) to blend in when you smile. They are generally durable but sometimes tend to discolour or dislodge after a certain number of years. Are the fillings on your front teeth still looking great…
Do you have any fillings or composite veneers done before on your front teeth? Are they still looking okay or do they look something like this? This is a my patient who knew us from our website and instagram page . She came to see…