Tag: crown

Broken Tooth! -Dr Damalis

Broken Tooth! -Dr Damalis

Mr A came to our clinic when one of his upper front tooth broke while he was biting on sugar cane the day before his appointment. *oh no* According to Mr A, the fractured tooth has been root canal treated a few years ago and…

OPPS Doctor! I fell and broke my tooth! what should I do ? – Dr. Debbie

OPPS Doctor! I fell and broke my tooth! what should I do ? – Dr. Debbie

 Broken tooth might not be the first thing you’ll be worried about on a daily basis but I feel everyone should know 1 or 2 facts of what to do if that happens! Social media will show you about CPR, how to fix a broken…

A new smile and new dental experience for Ms E! -Dr. Damalis

A new smile and new dental experience for Ms E! -Dr. Damalis

Dental crowns are caps placed on top of damaged teeth. Crowns are used to protect, cover and restore the shape of your teeth when fillings don’t solve the problem. 

You may need a dental crown for several reasons, including:

  • Protecting a weak tooth from breaking
  • Covering a tooth that has been root canal treated
  • Restoring a broken tooth or a severely worn down tooth
  • Covering and supporting a tooth with a large filling
  • Holding a dental bridge in place
  • Covering misshapen or severely discoloured teeth

Ms E came to our clinic requesting for a crown on her upper front tooth which has been root canal treated many years ago. She did not like how it looked due to discolouration and stained filling. 

At the same time, she informed us that she feels nervous whenever she visited the dentist due to her past experiences. To calm Ms E, I reassured her that the procedure will be painless.

Discoloured old fillings (red arrows) and root canal treated tooth with a large, stained filling (blue arrow)

Upon examination, it was noted there were also discoloured fillings on her other teeth. I suggested that we get them replaced so that they would match the colour of her natural teeth. Ms E agreed. 

We started off by replacing the old fillings and subsequently prepared the root canal treated tooth for a crown. A temporary crown was placed while we wait for the lab to make us a permanent crown.

Are you able to distinguish where the crown is from this photo?

When the permanent crown arrived, we informed Ms E so that she can come and get it placed onto her tooth. Ms E was very happy with the result and she could not differentiate which tooth has been crowned because the crown looked natural and blended very well with her other teeth.

Ms E can now smile confidently again! And most importantly, she is no longer nervous to visit the dental clinic anymore.

Do you have any discoloured tooth or fillings? Come in for a check up with us today!

Give us a call at 03-9520 1595 or WhatsApp us at 011-5880 2375 for an appointment! We look forward to seeing you soon.

Dr Damalis (damalis@drfauziah.com)

Restoring Ms A’s confident smile -Dr. Damalis

Restoring Ms A’s confident smile -Dr. Damalis

Ms A, a young teenager came to our clinic accompanied by her mother. She broke one of her front tooth due to a fall when she was about 6 years old. Subsequently, a large tooth coloured filling was placed to fix the fractured portion of…

Dental crown : Dr Nik

Dental crown : Dr Nik

In dentistry, a crown refers to a dental cap, a type of restoration that completely cap or encircle a tooth. Crowns are used to protect, cover and restore the shape of damaged teeth, most of the time due to large cavities that fillings alone will…