Tag: diastema

Tips for Parents and Their Baby’s Teeth – Dr. Shanaz

Tips for Parents and Their Baby’s Teeth – Dr. Shanaz

  Ever heard that saying where baby’s teeth are only temporary and it is completely fine if they’re broken down to bits, because the new permanent ones are going to erupt anyways. Well, that’s a completely false statement. Yes, deciduous (milk) teeth are not permanent,…

2017 Smiles : Dr Dini

2017 Smiles : Dr Dini

In a few days, 2017 will finally come to end. How would you summarized your 2017? As for me, it is tough but nevertheless a BEAUTIFUL year. It is definitely full of ups and downs, good and bad memories. However,as the saying goes; Everything happens…

Spreading The Happiness : Dr. Dini

Spreading The Happiness : Dr. Dini

Hi beautiful people,

Today I would like to share my deepest secret of why I chose to be a dentist. Honestly, this was not the profession that I intended to be. Initially, I had wanted to be an air stewardess, though I was already a dental student.

However, I grew fonder of this profession especially after joining Fauziah Dental Clinic. I realized that the biggest reason why I fell deeply in love with this job is because of you all, my patients. The truth is, I love seeing and making you (my patients) smile and laugh without worries or shame because for those few seconds, I made you happy, and seeing you happy, it makes  me happy too.

So… there you go… my secret is out and because happiness is a CHOICE!.

Drop me an email at dini@story.drfauziah.com if you wish to have a beautiful smile and at the same time helping me spread the happiness, because the world sure need more of this 🙂

Before and after whitening and veneer treatment.
You can also have whiter teeth with only composite veneer treatment


A straighter teeth with composite veneer treatment.
A combination of composite restoration and composite veneer treament.
New smile for future groom: Dr Nik

New smile for future groom: Dr Nik

In our country the longest school holidays start from mid November till early January. The approaching school holidays normally means that we will have a lot of kids coming in for their dental check up and treatment. Apart from that, since there will be a…

Ramadhan smile : Dr. Dini

Ramadhan smile : Dr. Dini

“What don’t you like about your teeth?” “How I can I help you?” These are few questions I often asked my new patients when they came in for cosmetic consultation. Usually, they will tell me me what they want me to do, but there are…