Tag: fractured tooth

Talking About another Dental Trauma Case – Dr Gwen Gan

Talking About another Dental Trauma Case – Dr Gwen Gan

I was talking about a dental trauma case in my last post and here I got another dental trauma case. Mr Nas met a motor vehicle accident last year and broke a few of his front teeth. There was no pain, no swelling at the…

A Beautiful Crown – Dr Gan

A Beautiful Crown – Dr Gan

Recently I had a chance to look back at one of my cases that I did last year. It was a fractured upper left lateral incisor. I did root canal treatment followed by a post core and Emax crown for Mina. When I looked into…

2017 Smiles : Dr Dini

2017 Smiles : Dr Dini

In a few days, 2017 will finally come to end. How would you summarized your 2017? As for me, it is tough but nevertheless a BEAUTIFUL year. It is definitely full of ups and downs, good and bad memories. However,as the saying goes; Everything happens for a reason. Live it, love it and definitely LEARN from it. 🙂

As a dentist, I have met a lot of patients this year and some of them become my friends. I also seen  loads of cases and most of it are makeover cases. I’m more than happy to fulfill their wish, after all seeing the satisfaction smile from their faces at the end of the treatment is PRICELESS!

Here are some cases, simple and complicated that I did for 2017  and the result was just amazing!

Composite veneer treatment for a more whiter teeth.
A whiter and brighter teeth with composite veneer treatment.
Replacing the missing tooth with fiber reinforced composite bridge
Straightening the lower teeth with composite veneers.








Lastly, have a wonderful 2018. As the new year dawns,I hope it is filled with the promises of brighter tomorrow.

White smile: Dr Nik

White smile: Dr Nik

Salmi knew our clinic through our instagram page and had been reading the posts for quite some time. Seeing those remarkable results from makeovers, she finally decided to get one for herself. When she came in to see me, she was very sure of what…

Black Spots on my Teeth! – Dr. Shanaz

Black Spots on my Teeth! – Dr. Shanaz

Have you ever wondered why there are some spots or stains that cannot be removed, no matter how many times you’ve brushed? Do these pictures looks familiar?   As dental surgeons, we see this plenty! These are what we call Dental Caries. It’s the disease…