Tag: gum problems

The Dos and Don’ts of Composite Veneers Smile. By Dr. Aaron Lai

The Dos and Don’ts of Composite Veneers Smile. By Dr. Aaron Lai

LIST OF DOS AND DON’TS TO KEEP YOUR TEETH HEALTHY: More often than not, people opt to do composite veneers compared to porcelain because of its affordability, but extra care must be followed if you want to keep your beautiful smile. Here is a list…

Immediate Fiber Reinforced Composite Bridge : Dr Nik

Immediate Fiber Reinforced Composite Bridge : Dr Nik

Last month I did a few cases of fiber reinforced composite bridge. This case that I’m going to write is about a new patient who was referred to me by his ex-wife who had been my patient for more than five years. On her last…

Dental Erosion and it’s Management – Dr. Shanaz

Dental Erosion and it’s Management – Dr. Shanaz

One of the most frequent complaints from patients we get in our dental practice, is of tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity may arise from many different reasons. For example:

  1. Erosion ridden teeth
  2. Gingival recession
  3. Exposed dentinal tubules
  4. Tooth decay
  5. Worn out enamel

Dental erosion, in simple terms, is the dissolution of tooth structures due to a high acidic environment in the oral cavity. Usually caused by two things, either a high intake of carbonated/fizzy drinks, constant exposure to acidic food, or frequent expulsion of vomit (usually due to bulimia or GERD).


Due to the high acidity of fizzy drinks, carbonated water and vomitus (stomach acid), the tooth surfaces can dissolve if exposed to high frequency and long periods of the substance. And once the first layer (enamel) of the tooth surface dissolves, dentine is exposed. When dentine is exposed, the dentinal tubules are exposed to the environment and are very sensitive to air, water and other substances.

The patterns of the dissolution of the teeth are very standard and can be easily identified by dental surgeons. Thus, to solve this issue of sensitivity, it requires both the patient and the dental surgeon to play a role.

Once the cause of the dental erosion is identified and resolved, then only would the treatment of the teeth be beneficial. One of the first things we do, is educate. Oral care education may be the most important part of the whole treatment, as it makes the patient understand that prevention and cure starts from the patient themselves.

As dental surgeons, we will advise the patient to seek help from their physician regarding their bulimia or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder) which would be the root cause of the their dental erosion issue.

If the patient is not suffering from both the diseases mentioned above, then the cause would usually be due to the introduction of high acidic food/drinks. This can be from either frequent consumption of fizzy/carbonated drinks or food, a lemon-sucking habit, or a reduced water intake. This again requires the patient to seek advice from a nutritionist and reduce the amount of acidic food/drinks in their diet.

After prior education has been given, usually to treat the symptoms of sensitivity, a special sensitivity toothpaste is issued, a simple restoration is done or in more severe cases, the patient may require crowns.


Managing dental erosions on our side is pretty straight forward, though it is our duty to ensure patients understand the root cause of their problems and how to prevent them.

Hopefully this article sheds some light for everyone!



Diabetes and Dental Health –  Dr. Shanaz

Diabetes and Dental Health – Dr. Shanaz

People generally understand that diabetes can affect the eyes, heart, kidneys, nerves of the extremities and other parts of the body. But did you know that it can affect your oral health too? Diabetics can have a series of problems if their disease is not…

s.m.o.k.i.n.g. – Dr Tan

s.m.o.k.i.n.g. – Dr Tan

How can smoking affect your oral health? Most people are now aware that smoking is bad for their health. It can cause a variety of different medical problems, some even fatal. However, many don’t realise the damage that smoking does to their mouth, gums, and…