Do you remember when was your last dental check-up ? generally, everyone is slightly afraid of the dentists and will visit the dental clinic only when he/she is experiencing pain or discomfort. But do you know , besides treating your teeth and gum, dentists will…
Have you ever suffered from an excruciating tooth ache before? As a dentist, I had experience several kinds of dental treatments like scaling, extractions and fillings. So, I understand the kind of mild discomfort felt by patients as a result of those treatments. I guess…
If you guess this blog is about whitening just by reading the title, you’re right. The non complicated and painless treatment to whiten your teeth in just one visit.
Marissa came to see me last week for her routine dental check up and she requested whitening treatment as well. Her wedding was over last weekend and of course every bride’s dream is to have a perfectly white teeth and a beautiful bright smile to flaunt on their special day!
The process was a smooth one for Marissa. I started off with the routine scaling and polishing treatment. Once I finished with the treatment, I then took the shade of her teeth prior the whitening process. I explained the whole procedure to Marissa and she understood it very well.
After 1.5 hours, I revealed the new shades of her teeth. She was ecstatic to see her new smile. Pain ? Not according to Marissa. A perfect white and bright smile for a beautiful bride.
Before we bade our goodbyes, I wished Marissa all the happiness this life can offer her and a blessed beautiful ceremony on her special day.
Sometimes we see what we wanna see, and disregard what may be very obvious to someone else. This patient constantly had food stuck in her front tooth for years, but dealt with by flossing or brushing. But no matter what she did, and how well…
Losing a front tooth would be a total nightmare for me. I can’t imagine talking or smiling with other people while they stare at my missing front tooth. This patient also had lost one of his front tooth for a while and had been looking…