Miss Zee is a young vibrant lady working in a corporate world, where she is constantly required to meet up or communicate with clients via virtual meeting .She has realised that a great smile helps to portray self-confidence ,hence she came to Klinik Pergigian Fauziah to enquire ways to improve that by replacing her missing tooth! She had her lower premolar removed when she was younger and felt self-conscious since then.

I have explained multiple treatment plan options to her such as denture fabrication, fixed prosthesis (dental bridges) and dental implants to replace her missing tooth. Multiple factors are taken into consideration during consultation period such as :
1)financial budget
2)The number of teeth are missing
3)oral health
4)The extent of bone loss
We’ve agreed that Valplast denture fabrication is the best treatment option for her upon discussion and this is the end result! Can you spot the denture?hehe

Miss Zee now can smile with confidence and glad that she can take beautiful pictures for upcoming Hari Raya!

Do you know what is Valplast denture?
Valplast denture is made from a flexible plastic material and the denture can adapt to the constant movement of your mouth, providing total comfort.
Advantages are such as:
1. Aesthetic – natural looking replacement teeth, with no metal clasps!
2. Comfort- thinner more flexible than traditional denture
However, not every case is suitable for Valplast denture fabrication. So head over to Klinik Pergigian Fauziah for consultation to find out if Valplast denture is right for you! See you soon!