A dental bridge is a treatment to replace a missing tooth by using the the teeth adjacent to it as support. Just like a bridge that connects two places, it requires an anchor at both ends to support the bridge itself. Bridges can be a…
Most of the parents will look and assess if their kids needs orthodontic work (braces) after all the permanent teeth have erupted. What most people do not know is that in certain condition a simple appliance at a young age can actually correct the problem…
This patient actually had a similar problem, though hers a bit more complicated as one of teeth were a bit more crooked that the other.
So after going through whitening first, as to neutralise and even out the shade of her teeth, I went ahead a started to give her a transformation that would change her smile and maybe give her that boost of confidence too!
It took me roughly 1 hour 15 mins ( I still work a bit slow, but I’m getting much faster!) to get her smile to be the best it can be with composite veneers. Say bye bye to those “butterfly incisors”!
As Yuni went through with whitening before I started with the composite veneers, I had an easier time to blend the colours and shade in with her other teeth. Do you think her smile looks better? I sure hope so! – Dr. Shanaz
Don’t be shy to visit us k. Drop me an email if you have any questions. shanaz@story.drfauziah.com
Wedding! It is one of the major event in our life. The day that we want everything to be perfect. From head to toe. Most importantly, our best asset ; that is our SMILE. Having a perfect smile, is a must for every bride and…
Sometimes we see what we wanna see, and disregard what may be very obvious to someone else. This patient constantly had food stuck in her front tooth for years, but dealt with by flossing or brushing. But no matter what she did, and how well…