How’s everyone doing today? It’s MCO day I-lost-count ! But I’m sure everyone has found ways to adapt to the current situation. Our social media inbox has also been flooded with questions from parents that are concerned of their children’s dental health. One of the…
It has been 30 days since the MCO was enforced on March 18. How have you been? Since we spent our whole day at home, having good feast seems to be a norm and I realize that many of my friends are actually wonderful chef,…
This lovely patient of mine, Mrs. Linda came to me after her husband told her that he had the most wonderful dental session with me. He actually fell asleep throughout the whole treatment when I did his scaling and fillings. He woke up with cleaner, shinier and natural looking teeth; thus decided his wife should go through the same procedure!
Mrs. Linda was of course reluctant, scared and a bit nervous about getting treatment done (as do all patients).
I only had 30 minutes with her, so I took the opportunity to change her front two fillings first. I assured her a quick treatment session, but huge changes!
Knowing that she was nervous, I knew she needed to get a boost of confidence by giving her a better smile. And FAST!
And with 30 minutes, I managed to her smile to change, increased her confidence with receiving dental treatment, and uplifted her spirits!
It helps plenty that the trust is built initially. Sometimes starting small can be helpful enough to make it easier for patients to come for their required treatments. Don’t you think?
Have you heard this saying before? You definitely have heard this if you visit a dentist often enough. Especially in any of KPF’s clinics. It’s something we tell our patients on a daily basis. But have you ever wondered why? Why shouldn’t we brush too…
“Help doc! I don’t want to remove the tooth, is there any way you can save it? – sounds familiar? We deal with a lot of these questions! Truth be told, every single dentist would definitely want to try to save the tooth before removing…