Norasrina was already in the clinic this morning when I got to work. She had made the appointment after researching for someone to do her makeover for the past few months. “I have been reading your blog nearly everyday!” she said. “I’m getting married in…
Ayuni is my son, Shanaz’ classmate from Sri Bintang Utara. I first met her some two years ago in my home when we had a surprise birthday party for Shanaz. She came to the party with Adam who is also a classmate. Back then Ayuni…
Suzzane is a dear friend. She is married to Krishna who introduced me to a life changing course The Landmark Forum several years ago. Krishna and I led seminars for Landmark Education for many years before he relocated to Singapore where he now lives with Suzzane and their son Aaron.
Suzanne was terrified! No, not of me personally … but of the dentist!
She had referred family members to me before but this time, Suzzane had a sensitive tooth and the appointment she made was for herself.
Suzzane literally was trembling when she came in to the clinic! Even though the air conditioning in the Menara Raja Laut was freezingly cold, she had broken out in a cold sweat!
“I hate dentists though I have nothing personal against you, Fay.” She said (my friends call me Fay). “It must have been the experiences I had growing up in England.”
I laughed and assured her I was not English … though I was a dentist. 😉
I examined her and told her the good news … she only had some abrasion cavities which were easily fixed with Dyract (a type of filling material) … I could fix her sensitivity without any drilling at all!
“What! No drilling! Wow!! Let’s do it!” she said … smiling for the first time since she came in.
It was just a small gap but the difference to her confidence was immense
It was done in just a few minutes … “This is absolutely amazing!” she said smiling even more.
That was when I asked her if she’d like to get the small gap closed and her teeth re-aligned so they would look straighter.
“You mean to say you can fix my smile?” she was incredulous. “Sure! And with no injections too … you’ll leave here with your dream smile in less than an hour.” She looked at me a little disbelievingly but nodded.
And so we did it! Yes and in less than 30 minutes too.
Suzzane left the clinic to return to Singapore smiling … with a surprise makeover!
“I am so happy! I never imagined I could have such pretty teeth and smile.” she said as she hugged our goodbyes.
I am so glad too …. Suzzane is one of the most beautiful, caring and generous people I know … and now she has her dream smile!
Inazatul’Ain wanted to have her smile made beautiful too! Her friends and colleagues had hers done some weeks ago …. Rohaidawati had hers done just in time for wedding (See Rohaidawati’s makeover) and Siti (See Siti’s makeover) They all work in University Malaya Medical Centre…
Reena lives in Singapore with her air force pilot husband and little kids. She had always wanted to do something about her smile but resisted having braces done when she was a teenager growing up in Malaysia. It was only after her sister Reeta’s makeover…