Aiden always thought that his smile wasn’t good enough. So he rarely smiles. When I asked him to smile, I found out that one of his teeth was shorter than the other. This usually happens when a filling was done a long time ago, and…
My patient has a porcelain crown on her upper left central tooth. It was done several years back at other clinic and the colour of the crown is slightly lighter than the rest of her teeth. It bothered her for so long and finally she’s…
This patient actually had a similar problem, though hers a bit more complicated as one of teeth were a bit more crooked that the other.
Do you notice the two teeth in the middle tilting inwards?Side viewAnother side view
So after going through whitening first, as to neutralise and even out the shade of her teeth, I went ahead a started to give her a transformation that would change her smile and maybe give her that boost of confidence too!
It took me roughly 1 hour 15 mins ( I still work a bit slow, but I’m getting much faster!) to get her smile to be the best it can be with composite veneers. Say bye bye to those “butterfly incisors”!
Voila!Post treatment – side view. See the little gap there? Closing that would cause would make the tooth too bulky, so I decided to leave it.Another post treatment side view. Notice how the teeth looks even from the side now?
As Yuni went through with whitening before I started with the composite veneers, I had an easier time to blend the colours and shade in with her other teeth. Do you think her smile looks better? I sure hope so! – Dr. Shanaz
Before and After.
Don’t be shy to visit us k. Drop me an email if you have any questions.
Wedding! It is one of the major event in our life. The day that we want everything to be perfect. From head to toe. Most importantly, our best asset ; that is our SMILE. Having a perfect smile, is a must for every bride and…
It was fillings done so many years back. It had stayed in its’ place and fulfilled its’ purpose without giving any problem until now. Pain? No, there’s no pain at all ever since the day the fillings were done. So, what is the problem? Ahhaa…the…