Tag: Vacation

MizzDeni gets her Raya Smile : Dr Fauziah

MizzDeni gets her Raya Smile : Dr Fauziah

MizzDeni was referred to us by her friend Syaiful Baharin (Syaiful’s Makeover). He had his makeover done some time back so MizzDeni had checked out this blog and was eager to have her makeover done too. She came in with a friend and quickly settled…

Intan’s New Smile : Dr Fauziah

Intan’s New Smile : Dr Fauziah

Intan emailed us a few weeks ago after stumbling across this blog. She had two crowns done to correct a tooth that had grown out of alignment. It was behind the other teeth, so whenever Intan smiled, it looked as if she had a missing…

Evon travels to KL for her makeover: Dr Fauziah

Evon travels to KL for her makeover: Dr Fauziah

Evone before

Evon migrated  to Melbourne, Australia, years ago with her entire family.

She studied there and now works for the Postal Department in Melbourne.

Evon had sought treatment for her smile in Australia.

“I’ve seen so many dentists there and their quotes were way beyond what I could afford! The quotes were all between AUS$15000 to AUS$18000!”


Fortunately for Evon, her Aunt Sharon had been to a BNI Ampang Chapter meeting on Friday morning and had heard my presentation on makeovers.

From the left

Sharon came in for a simple makeover herself and ended up contacting Evon in Melbourne.

“You have to help my niece. She’s a lovely young lady who doesn’t smile.” Sharon told me.

So Evon took a month’s vacation from her job and traveled to Kuala Lumpur.

When I saw Evon I could understand why she didn’t smile much. Her lateral incisors were very sharp looking peg-shaped and she had congenitally missing premolars (that means she was born without them). Her canines then had grown all the way back next to her molars!

From the right
From the right

It didn’t help too that her lower canines were rotated … her over all look was not the normal smile of a young girl.

“I work in the Customer Relations Department and because I seldom smile my bosses think I am sullen.” Evon said in frustration. “I took a month’s leave because I told them I wanted to fix my smile back home in Malaysia where it’s more affordable.”

I totally get it!

I had to do something for this young lady!

Just doing the right side made a HUGE difference!

We discussed the treatment plan … the most efficient way was to break the makeover into two parts.

The first visit was to do her right side and also do the makeovers for her front teeth on the same visit. I explained to Evon that I had to do both the upper teeth and the lower teeth at the same time as I needed to balance the two so she can eat … the makeover is not just for beauty but to allow her to be able to eat normally too!

The second visit would be about a week later when I cement in her permanent bridges and start work on her left bridge and composite veneers.

Just one visit! That's all it took to have this result

She really only needed 2 weeks to get it all done but since she had already taken the leave from work, we could test everything out at our leisure!!

Evon smiled shyly … I knew I was going to make a huge difference to her … boy, was I excited.

My staff in the clinic are just amazing, they know exactly what to do and got everything ready really quick … I guess it helps that we do this sort of work pretty often! đŸ˜‰

But this time I felt extra good …. Evon had seen so many dentists in Australia, the cost of doing these bridges are easily 3 times the cost of doing it in Malaysia … that is if she could find someone who would do it!

View from the left which is still not done yet

This is my chance to really make a difference to a young lady … her self esteem will get more than just a small boost! With self confidence, who know what different choices she will make for herself in the future.

So we worked whilst I chatted with Sharon, Evon’s aunt.

When we finished the temporary bridges and the composite veneers I passed Evon the mirror.

She was speechless!

And so was Sharon.

We said our goodbyes after printing the makeover albums for her … until next week at least.

Next week, we do Stage 2, that is the left side!

I can hardly wait to wave my magic wand again!

Sharkman the dive instructor’s Surprise Makeover: Dr Fauziah

Sharkman the dive instructor’s Surprise Makeover: Dr Fauziah

Sharkman is a dive instructor in Perhentian Island. He had been teaching diving at Bubbles Resort for the past two years. The manager, Kristy, had come to KL for a visit a few months back so when he said he wanted to visit a dentist…

Fawzy’s Story

Fawzy’s Story

I first met Fawzy about 14 years ago! Yes, he was just a young boy of 6, an only child of doting parents, who’d bring him to us for his regular dental treatment. When Fawzy was 8, he went along with his parents to a…